Stepparent Adoptions & Coparenting Agreements in Bay Area
Stepparent and Confirmatory Adoptions
Certain Bay Area-based families formed through assisted reproduction, in particular same-sex couples, should consider “confirmatory” adoption to strengthen the legal protection of their parental rights. We assist with these types of adoption, which generally do not require a home study or a hearing.
Do you have a court order establishing both parents as the legal parents?
Do you plan to travel to an area or country that may not honor the rights of same-sex parents?
Co-Parenting Agreements
Unmarried Bay Area-based partners or platonic co-parents who are forming a family through assisted reproduction may benefit from a comprehensive co-parenting agreement, which could be required by the IVF Clinic. The agreement will address topics such as parental rights, cost-sharing, and dispute resolution.
How will the co-parents address financial issues such as taxes, education costs, and health insurance?
What support systems, such as counseling, will be used if a conflict arises?
How will the co-parents approach the topic of a possible separation?
If the co-parents separate, what will happen with any remaining embryos they may co-own?
*Services available for California residents including Bay Area residents.